Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Love Yourself

Photo courtesy of Cheri Messerli
The Beatles knew what they were talking about when they sang "All You Need is Love." The ancient Chinese believed that the most powerful energy is white energy, or, love energy. Although "love" can be seen as a frilly word that we use to express intense emotion or feelings, we cannot underestimate it's healing powers. It is powerful beyond anything else, and if we can shed as much love on ourselves as we possibly can, our healing brightens. Let love in. Let it shine it's bright white energy through you and fill you up to the brim. 
I finished my very last treatment this past Thursday. It was humbling, liberating, exhilarating and  mostly, full of love. As I sat waiting for the last of the chemo to pass through the I.V. and through my veins, I couldn't help but look around me and see love everywhere. I honestly believe that love carried me through this ordeal, from the very beginning to the very last drop. I hope that you too can let it in and feel the brightening and lifting of your spirit. That is something cancer can never touch. 

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